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One of the most frustrating things to experience is a spider infestation. The worst part is, this can happen at any time of the year. Noticing a spider in your home is enough to give many people a fright. Many people don’t relish at the idea of a spider crawling on them when they are sleeping. Even if you don’t have a spider infestation, this is a fairly common occurrence because it is so easy for spiders to get into a home.

Though most spiders that end up in your home won’t be poisonous, there are certain common species that can cause harm to humans. That is why it is important to call Enviro Spray Pest Management when you notice the first spider in your home. The last thing you want is for that one spider to lay eggs and multiply the problem!

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Tips to Prevent Spiders from Getting Inside Your Home

While it's not exactly possible to completely seal off your home from the outside world, it's absolutely possible to take steps to limit a spiders chances from getting inside.

Some key steps you can take to prevent spiders from getting inside your home include:

  • Inspect your windows and doorframes for any noticeable gaps and seal any cracks around light fixtures, ceiling fans, and vents.
  • Seal openings behind pipes, appliances and under your sinks.
  • Regularly clean your home and vacuum up any webs you find.
  • Place sticky traps (generally used for cockroaches) near doorways, but out of reach from children and pets – behind and under appliances and furniture are ideal locations.
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